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magazine categoryCULTURE

magazine monthy12.2016


Excluding this time, we tend to write off the other 71.5% of the week as dull, which is really sad. We dream of ideals beyond our everyday lives, but ideals are always present, such as certain objects reflecting your own taste. More and more people are dreaming of ideals in daily lives by creating, sharing and enjoying objects of their own.
These objects hold the time, passion, personality and artistry of those who crafted them. Let’s check out the different stories of people who create their own, one-of-a-kind and unique objects.

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Match up with precious value of memories

• OIMU •

As I’m involved in design activities, I thought it would be fun to discover significant SMEs and collaborate with them to tell their stories with objects. That’s why I decided to use ‘matchbox’ as the theme of the first project. OIMU stands for “One-day I Met You,” and I wanted to let people know about the use of certain objects that are disappearing as time passes. I thought maybe the things that hadn’t been so useful in the past can be given new significance today. So, I visited the old UN Match factory, and designed various matches with unique savor added to the identity of UN Match.
Actually, I’m constantly looking for valuable things in the process of making my long dreams come true.


tells a story of the declining industry of match manufacturing with design and brand  philosophy.
It lights up the consciousness in our memories the way matches light up things and values we can never forget.

Enjoying every moment like playing


I created this item based on the question, Are there any dishes with great designs for parties that can be used conveniently?
I wanted to create witty tableware suitable for hosting finger food and simple drinks at an exhibition, concert or party. The tableware is designed with a ring to put around a finger so that eating can be like playing. I’m constantly coming up with new party items with vivid and diverse colors so that people can have fun holding and eating food out of our plates. I hope all people can further enjoy their special moment.


creates tableware with great designs to look more special on a special occasion. The products reveal the artist’s hope to present unique items that can also be used as a party plate.

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The one and only snug cactus to cuddle

• Honest Mrs. Kim •

A combination of a brilliant item and knit brings warmth into the house. I wanted to make products with value by using good materials and unique items. The soft colors are like the cherry on top. How about a tender cactus whose evergreen vigor can withstand the driest desert? Our signature items, knit cacti, were created based on this idea. Our items are handmade by myself, and are thus one of a kind. I’ve made cacti more unique and attractive by matching various designs of clay pots and concrete vases according to their shapes. I’m making them to provide a cozy and snug life for customers, just like our objects.

3. Honest Mrs. Kim

shows off
valuable objects with high-quality materials and unique items. From various knit cacti to sensible home decoration items, the brand introduces all kinds of knitted items.

Statue to fill up everyday lives with sweetness

• Sweetish Carving •

I was looking at pieces of marble at an exhibition one day and suddenly it hit
me: If I turn these into cookies, we can hold and eat them, too. So that’s how I began to make cookies that stimulate curiosity. The Kabi Cat Cookie, popular
among many people, are modeled after my pet Kabi. Kabi had once been
abandoned before she came to me, so she often makes a face that carefully
watches others. So the Kabi Cat Cookie also features a cat with eyes tilted toward one side as if carefully watching,
which created a great, unique story for the cookie. I always have a wild imagination that I’m constantly seeking to turn into reality. I hope I can blur the lines of things that people take for granted, and broaden the scope of my imagination.
That’s what I hope my cookie can do.

4. Sweetish

Carving is a one-person design cookie lab by artist Choi Jihyun. The brand has captured the public’s attention with its unique cookies, such as the Kabi Cat cookies, pebble cookies, and marble cookies

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