magazine categoryCULTURE
magazine monthy11.2015
Plan for a special event in the house at the end of this year rather than doing the same-old gathering of friends outside. A small party at your place makes your time with your loved ones all the more special. Use your imagination to prepare a house party full of your unique style and your choice of mood. Enjoy a relaxed party at your house in a happy and convivial atmosphere that will make your sweetest dreams come true.
House party filled with imaginative ideas
Every good house party needs a theme. Since you will hold the party at a place where you feel comfortable, the success of the party depends on how you decorate and design the space using various theme-specific props. Choose your theme and prepare everything from home decorations to table settings, foods and music accordingly. That will make even a casual party seem that bit more special. There are various themes available for house parties. Perhaps theme it around a country that you hope to visit sometime to take guests on a day-trip or decorate the house like a campsite to give a sense of having a good time within nature. You can also offer guests a chance to be their favorite film hero and heroine. Here are three interesting house party themes to enjoy a special day – away from the humdrum of everyday life.
1F Party For Travel Mania
Enjoy the trip abroad right now, right here!
Staying away from the usual place for everyday life makes every moment of travel seem special. Then why not choose a country as the theme of your house party and turn your place into something new and exotic? Choose a country as the theme of your house party – perhaps somewhere you’ve been before or always wanted to go – and hang national flags everywhere around the home, decorating it with props symbolizing the country and preparing local foods and drinks. One tip for you – prepare a variety of food options, including both local food available only in that country and native fare popular among your friends since many people having different tastes will come to the party. And inform guests of the dress code, for example wear a color symbolizing the chosen country. Last but not least, prepare a selection of local music to liven up the party.
2F Party For Mischief-Maker
Be a Hero · Heroine for today!
It can be embarrassing to do it alone, but with fun-loving friends, it’s easy to enjoy costumes. A costume party is a party where every guest dresses up in a costume. Transform yourself into your wannabe hero/heroine or the most impressive person of the year and enjoy the feeling of being somebody else for a moment. If you are not used to wearing a costume, print out a picture of the person’s face on thick paper to make a mask and then wear the costume. Or, if you want to be in full costume, prepare your hairstyle, costume, makeup and special accessories which symbolize the person you want to be.
3F Party For Outdoor Lover
Get a taste of outdoor life at home!
It’s not so easy to go camping in the winter. So why not throw a camping-themed party? An outdoor area attached to a house such as a front yard, terrace and rooftop is a perfect place for hosting such a party. The great thing about a camping-themed party is that it allows guests to enjoy a nice comfortable rest in nature, so spruce up the place with simple decorations like nature-inspired fabric, tree objects d’art and pine cone wreaths. Plus, don’t forget to make full use of various camping supplies. Place stainless steel cups, lanterns and folding chairs instead of mugs, electric lights and dining room chairs. And prepare camping foods for party.
1. All you need for table setting
Table setting with an edgy feel
“Table setting is the most important element”
Table setting for house party comes in two forms: a course style to serve foods to individuals and a buffet style which allows guests to take the right amount for themselves from a large bowl of foods. If the number of guests you invited is larger than six, a buffet style party would be better. Once you decide on how to set the table, it’s time to arrange the table as you want. The basic table setting includes table cloth and runner, mat, napkin and tableware. Colorful and highly patterned fabrics such as table cloths, mats and napkins could confuse and strain the eyes. Choose 2-3 colors including the central color and extra colors to give accents to the table setting. If the table cloth is used to cover the whole table, use a neat single-colored fabric and, if your table is long, it’s okay to use a runner with a bold pattern and design.
2. All you need for home-made food
Foods that are good for every-one and for all occasions
“Menu that is simple to cook and eat clean”
To throw a party at your place, you must be a party planner and prepare everything – all by yourself. There is so much to take care of besides food. If you spend too much time on preparing food, you may end up messing the whole party. Choose food that is not only easy on the eyes, but also simple to cook. Bruschetta is an Italian appetizer consisting of baguette slices with toppings. Plus, vin chaud made with red wine and mulling spices like orange and cinnamon makes a great welcome drink for any house party. A glass of mulled wine with a heartwarming welcome is sure to warm the hearts of your guests.
3. All you need for invitation card
Unique and special invitation
“Make the party special from the beginning”
An invitation card gives guests a great first impression of the party. Make your own special invitation perfect for your house party using a little bit of creativity. Decorate the card using pieces of fabric in tune with your party theme or take a picture of yourself in a dress saying the time, location and dress code for the party to use it as an invitation card. If you want to add an air of exclusivity, then use a letterpress machine. Pressing letters on a thick cushion-like paper creates a unique invitation card whose luxurious texture leaves a deep impression and is sure to be remembered.
4. All you need for wall & ceiling
Wall and ceiling decorations suffusing interior space
“Decorate areas that people can see”
Blank walls and ceilings bring the party mood down. Decorate the party room with easy-to-make items. Pompom mobiles reminiscent of fluffy clouds will add a romantic mood to the party! Stack sheets of square writing paper, fold them like making a fan, pin the center and cut both ends round and then unfold each sheet outward to make a voluminous ball-shaped pompom mobile. It can add a jovial tone to the party when hanged from the ceiling. Use the rest of papers to make a tassel garland and hang it on the wall. The key is to use colors of similar tone to keep it looking neat and clean.