magazine categoryFASHION
magazine monthy03.2017
No to ordinary green!
An extraordinary green rises this spring : Fresh Greenery
Green is not a special color. Green, trapped in a good bridle, might feel somehow unfair. Green has never been as trendy or stylish as black or white. In S/S 2017, green dreams of transforming itself into a hot color of “Greenery” with a touch of yellow. The vitality and freshness of Greenery are unique aspects of the color, but the key is in our creativity in using the color. Greet your Greenery days!
Open Your Greenery Closet
Greenery gives a refreshing sensation as if exploring thickly grown leaves.
Here are eight “hot” items to complete warm, normal and yet unique style.
Round neck sweater just like wearing the refreshing sensation of spring
Tuttolente Paloma sunglasses with strikingly fresh gradation
Giardino Secreto candle with a 60-hour scent and art
Wedge shoes worn by celebrities with a harmony of femininity and mannishness
Socks with a combination of unique colors that may change your daily life
Minimal bag that can create various unexpected looks with a single item
A great tribute to the life of Robert Massin, the master of expressionist typography
Beads Velcro Patch that looks great no matter what you match it with
Greenery in the Film
Pantone Colors of the Year 2017 Greenery is a color that stands out anytime and anywhere.
But it’s fun to arrange green in unexpected spots in fashion. If you want to incorporate Greenery into a wearable look this spring, get inspired by the motifs of characters from the lms.
1. ≪ Brooklyn≫ Start by Matching White
For Greenery styling, you need white or colors similar to white. It’s a basic color that you all probably have in your closet. It can be bleached white or in other light and calm neutral colors like beige, cream or light gray. Adding a soft, feminine Greenery item will give a touch of loveliness to your look just like Eilis in Brooklyn, and make you fall in love with someone new in a strange place.
2. ≪ Great Expectations≫
Don’t Wear, Wrap Around You
Greenary cardigan—rather than wearing it, wrap it around you. The 90’s preppy look is rather trendy these days. Why didn’t Estella from Great Expectations know that? All she did was boldly take off the stuffy-looking cardigan and throw it away. Next time, wrap a Greenery cardigan around your waist or shoulders. This will denitely be a stylish look.
3. ≪ La La Land≫ Point or Main
Greenery makes us feel fresh, but can bring us to an entirely different dimension. Greenery can be found in hair color or makeup points, in addition to fashion accessories in S/S 2017. Like Mia in La La Land, dress up in Greenery to create a feminine and healthy look. You may be able to find yourself in the most sparkling moments of your life.
4. ≪ Moonrise Kingdom≫
Active with Green
Sportism is on trend in S/S 2017. Greenery with a fresh and refreshing sensation offers a fantastic harmony with a sporty
style. Match a soft chiffon skirt with a Greenery sweatshirt, or a basic shirt with a smooth Greenery silk skirt. Finally, Complete the harmony by matching the colors of your small clutch or shoes that show slightly under the trousers.