magazine categoryFASHION
magazine monthy08.2015
LANEIGE suggests a modern vintage style for this fall.
People see vintage goods as second-hand, yet most are new, although produced many years ago. The key to good vintage is the history and culture that it embraces, not whether it has been used before! The modern vintage style that LANEIGE suggests is different from conventional vintage style: it is an upgraded vintage style to create a trendy, unique and one-of-kind look by combining vintage goods having special, unique value as well as modern sophistication.
How Do I Look?
I’m Modern Vintage Things
If you are interested in modern vintage style, then look into various modern vintage items. Refined, antique modern vintage clothes, as well as jewels and shoes of timeless beauty are presented here. Modern vintage style is also found in household items as well. Enjoy modern vintage style to the fullest through a variety of items this fall.
Leather Tote Bag
Drotp Earrings
Shaded Brown Wool Coat
Tassel Loafer
ArtWork Cardigan
Wooden Chair
Dot Scarf
Dry Flower
Style Play with SELECT SHOP
Visit shops that LANEIGE recommends if you want to check out various charming modern vintage items. From fashion shops selling modern, trendy and yet vintage feminine style clothing and jewelry to lifestyle shops packed with antique household items and furniture – get ready to enjoy your own special modern vintage style.
Style Pick * Sosu607
Sosu607 is a vintage clothing shop popular among fashionistas for the unique style clothes it stocks at reasonable prices. It offers a limited number of well-designed high-quality clothing designs that have been hand-picked from many different secondhand shops in Japan, the U.S. and Europe. It offers a fun way to look around designer-made clothing in addition to vintage goods.
Where. B1, 533-8, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, korea
Style Pick * Page-one
With its wide assortment of items arranged across a wide space, Page-one captures the fascination of people interested in vintage. It features feminine, vintage blouses, skirts, knits, coats and jackets, most of which are flown directly from Italy. Plus, it presents various modern vintage-themed goods including high-quality leather goods with unique designs, cute hats and fashion items.
Where. F2, 316-13, Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, korea
▶ A black denim jacket with fabulous stitch lines available only in Sosu607. It is made by Waste Twice which is famous for its workwear.
▶ Sosu607 offers coats of various styles from cute tartan coats to feminine pastel-toned coats.
▶ Page-one suggests items best suited for this fall: match a hot-pink neoprene sweat shirt with a black, classic square tote bag.
Style Pick * neuf hotel
Neuf hotel is a four-story select shop located in Sinsa-dong, Seoul, korea. It offers fashion items for women on the first and second floors, while lifestyle items such as home decoration, bedding, fabric, kitchen ware and vintage furniture are to found on the third and fourth floors. Decorated with vintage furniture and interior props from all over Europe including France and Belgium, the shop has emerged as a hot place in Garosu-gil and also a great setting for illustrated magazines and music videos. Its own fabric products appeal to a wide customer base.
Where. 542 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, korea
Style Pick * Anthology
Launched in Sinsa-dong, Seoul, korea in 2014, Anthology is a select shop that has moved around a fair bit since first opening. It offers a large shopping space, which is hard to find around Sinsa-dong, as well as different themes per floor, which enable well-thought shopping. There are antique, classic vintage-style furniture and items including kitchen utensils and interior props on the first basement level and household items, clothing and accessories for women on the first and second floors. In addition, vintage style interior and a camping-theme lounge outside the shop reveal glimpses of seasonal trends. At Anthology, there are many brands and most of them are goodhearted, pursuing recycling and fair trade practices.
Where. 535-1, Sinsa-dong, Seoul, korea
▶ Various items for the household, such as home décor accessories and diffusers, as well as antique vintage furniture, are all available at Neuf hotel.
▶ A product by “di base” demonstrating the beauty of harmony between good material and design. This lamp is made of wood, which adds to its vintage beauty.
▶ A plate creating an old vintage atmosphere with a regular pattern and fresh color is available at Anthology.
▶ A black denim jacket with fabulous stitch lines available only in Sosu607. It is made by Waste Twice which is famous for its workwear.