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a woman holding wine + a tired man

#8 Want to Age Your Skin? Drink and Stay Up Overnight.


Most people today have had an experience of drinking and staying up all night whether they wanted to or not, to be with friends or colleagues, or for networking and team building. These types of events are even more common in the holiday season with all those get-togethers. It is plainly obvious that such a lifestyle can only have a bad influence on the skin. But just how bad exactly is it?

LBLL, dedicated to exploring today’s lifestyle and skin concerns, analyzed the skin of 20 male office workers in their 30s who drink more than twice a week and sleep fewer than 6 hours a day. This test confirmed that their skin was dramatically affected right after drinking and after having poor-quality sleep.

Sebum Level: Cheek / Morning(80) Night(85) After drinking (120) After sleep deprivation(140)/ Enlarged Pores: / Cheek / Morning(22) Night(30) After drinking (40) After sleep deprivation (57)

The above chart shows the sebum level and the number of enlarged pores measured before going to work, after drinking after work, and after deprived sleep. The sebum level increased constantly after drinking and not having a good sleep, compared to in the morning before going to work. The number of enlarged pores detected by the device grew with the level of sebum. The number of these pores leaped after drinking and staying up all night.

People often find their skin looking ‘lifelessly dry’ or ‘dull’ the day after drinking. In fact, LBLL’s research also finds that drinking and staying up overnight have a negative impact on skin roughness and brightness.

Skin roughness and skin brightness on the cheek in the morning, night, after drinking, after sleep deprivation
  • Skin roughness on the cheek / Average : Morning(14.5) Night(15) After drinking(16) After sleep deprivation(16) / High : Morning(16) Night(16.2) After drinking(16.7) After sleep deprivation(16.5) / Low : Morning(12.2) Night(13) After drinking (15.5) After sleep deprivation(16)
  • Skin brightness on the cheek / cheek / Morning(70.8) Night(70) After drinking (68.5) After sleep deprivation(69.8)

The roughness of the cheek increased after drinking and staying up all night compared to before going to work. This suggests that the two behaviors roughen the skin. The skin brightness of the cheek dropped quickly after drinking compared to in the morning but recovered to certain level after time. However, the recovery failed to reach the level of brightness before drinking.

Skin elasticity on the eye area / Average / Morning(0.78) Night(0.72) After drinking (0.7) After sleep deprivation( 0.72)

Let’s look at the skin elasticity of the eye area. The firmness of skin reduced after drinking compared to in the morning and didn’t completely recover its original level even in the morning after. In addition, drinking and staying up overnight affected skin troubles. 6 out of 20 participants experienced skin troubles that developed or became aggravated after these activities.

The Grim Reaper arrives on your face after a fun night of drinking. No matter how meticulous you’ve been with your daily skincare routine, overdrinking and lack of sleep pose a great risk your skin before everything else. If you’ve ever been startled to see yourself in the mirror, with those deep dark eye circles and dullness (with the added roughness and enlarged pores!) dominating your skin due to drinking and having a poor sleep the night before, hydration could be your first aid. Having enough sleep, drinking water, and using sheet masks or overnight mask packs are some good ideas to help soothe your tired skin.

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