Getting ready for Spring
“ Skincare tips for the changing seasons ”
The dry and warm weather during changing seasons will affect our skin condition.
It would be difficult to have makeup blend in well on skin.
Could there be a way to minimize skin problems in between seasons?
To ease skin with problems from changing seasons, it’s better to use organic solutions.Let’s learn the natural skincare tips suggested by School of K-Beauty in this spring!
Prepare ingredients for natural potato pack!
Grind peeled potato (1) with blender. Mix peeled potato with honey (1 spoon) and milk (2 spoons) in a bowl. Potato contains lots of Vitamin C and potassium which helps brighten skin. Honey contain mineral and amino-acid which provides nutrition and moisturizes dry skin.
Attach a mask sheet on skin. You may use milk or water to ensure mask attachment. Put potato pack on top of the sheet. Place the mask pack over the face and leave it on for 10 minutes for better absorption. Finish up with cleansing and make sure there’s no residue left on skin.
Now, time to remove dead skin cells with peeling gel!
Makeup is hard to blend well on skin was due to slow metabolism. It makes natural drop-out of dead skin cells become difficult which leads to dull skin. Apply peeling gel on wet skin. Gently massage with the gel and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Ready to embrace spring with supple skin!